Will the real MAN please stand up...

1. I had gone to a parlor to get my son a haircut. As it was a men saloon, there were men all around (one of the few side-effects of having a baby boy.. you have no idea how scandalizing it gets for a woman who runs shy of going to a parlor herself). I saw men getting their eyebrows plucked, manicures, pedicures, facials( grls, even men opt for gold and pearl facials) they too bleach their skin. I am pretty okay with it, who does not want to look good? Even men want to look well-groomed and fair (chuckles). But the most scandalizing and confusing thing I noticed was men getting their hands,..chest waxed (I knew actors and models did that but they r the breed that can go around the town wearing an orange colored jeans with a flashing royal blue shirt) . Why would a normal next-door boy want to do that? Is all I wanted to ask. Wasn't chest hair suppose to be sexy.. and more sought after in a real man's world? 2. Sadly, I have been gyming for sometime. Most of the men work...