Que Sera Sera

Google Image Que Sera Sera is an Italian phrase meaning, "whatever will be, will be" and with a chance of sounding super cool, let me confess this has been my motto since childhood, even before I knew this phrase existed. I am sure people who know me well, will happily vouch for me. From exams to college admissions to marriage and jobs even when it came to friendships, I went with my gut feeling. Not that it always fared well for me, but somehow I had no regrets. I guess that's the beauty of never thinking too much about results because when you put too much thought into things, you tend to expect a certain result. When it never goes as per plan, disappointment follows. I have always gotten into things without expectations and never weighed the pros and cons. I guess that's my way of making my usually mundane life a tad bit exciting In all honestly, you cannot mess with fate. So, all you can do is hope the universe and stars align to your advantage and everythin...