Que Sera Sera

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 Que Sera Sera is an Italian phrase meaning, "whatever will be, will be" and with a chance of sounding super cool, let me confess this has been my motto since childhood, even before I knew this phrase existed. I am sure people who know me well, will happily vouch for me. 

From exams to college admissions to marriage and jobs even when it came to friendships, I went with my gut feeling.  Not that it always fared well for me, but somehow I had no regrets. I guess that's the beauty of never thinking too much about results because when you put too much thought into things, you tend to expect a certain result. When it never goes as per plan, disappointment follows. I have always gotten into things without expectations and never weighed the pros and cons. I guess that's my way of making my usually mundane life a tad bit exciting 

In all honestly, you cannot mess with fate. So, all you can do is hope the universe and stars align to your advantage and everything works out in the end. No point, in missing sleep over things that are way outside your control. Moreover, overthinking is the biggest disservice you can do yourself because it usually ends with a bucket-load of negativity and pessimism. 

So are you 'play it safe' in life and worry about the downside, or take a chance and believe jo hoga dekha jaayega person? Let me know. 

Hope you enjoyed reading it. 

I am participating in Blogging from A-Z challenge 2022, and this is my post for Q - Que Sera Sera


  1. I love the phrase que sera sera...infact there is a song when i was just a lil girl...que sera sera . I play it frequently for zaara and she dances......i love the phrase but am a big time over thinker :)

  2. I love this phrase too. For a long time it was my "about me" on my whatsapp. I think I do put in the effort full on, but beyond that, you're right - no point harping on things outside our control. And what's to be will be. Absolutely will. Maybe it's all a sign of growth. Or age. :D So - are we meeting next weekend, or it's que sera sera there too? :P

  3. SUPERB 👌🏻 ♥️ 👌🏻 I totally 👍 🙆‍♀️ 💯 agree...as you know even i don't think too much ...for me whatever it is...once it's done...it's Kaam khatam( nipta)for me 😁


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