Raising a husband can be an exhausting task. Nevertheless, Husbands are amazing creatures. They are generally great guys. I love when small house chores that they do, and like a child, they would come to you pretending to have moved a couple of mountains; that's absolutely adorable.  

So, Janhit mein jaari (Issued in the public interest)10 things every husband should know that we know:

1. We know when you are looking at women. So when we ask you if you were, just say yes. "Oh, are you talking about the girl in the white top? No, I wasn't looking at her." this is not the reply we want to hear. 

2. We know what you mean when you say, "You always look good, fat or thin." when we ask you if we look fat. Trust me, please lie. We have eyes; we know we look fat, we just don't want to hear it from you - directly or indirectly.

3. We know why you have a bored expression on your face when we cook in compared to when you have your mom's cooked food and act as if you are eating after centuries.

4. We know you roll your eyes 360 degrees whenever we drive or fill a cheque. 

5. We notice that you engage us in a conversation or close our eyes whenever a violent scene comes up on the TV. Thank you for that. 

6. We know every time you take the blame in order to protect us from getting scolded by either set of parents. Thank you.

7. We know you enjoy getting gifts. So, stop making faces and pretend to be angry when we bring you one.

8. We know you are scared of mice, cockroaches, lizards, and ghosts. So, stop acting macho. We also know you completely lose it when you see us cry. For us, that's pretty amusing. I enjoy it when you tiptoe around me when I am PMSing.

9. We know all the small things you do, like reclining our car seat when we dose off or preparing breakfast in the morning when we are unwell and mansplaining even the simplest things because you think we are duffers (I hate this)... we know. 

10. We know you wear pants in the house, but you need to remember you wear the pants we choose for you.

You are our partners. You are our constant companions for better or worse, and we appreciate everything you do. We just don't tell you, and we would like to keep it that way. 

I am participating in Blogging from A-Z challenge 2022, and this is my post for H - My dear Husband


  1. These are cool 10 points. I barely relate to 3 but love the raising the husbands bit... And the entire post!!!

    See you around the A-Z challenge!
    Hope you stop by my blog

  2. WAAAOOWW 👌 👌 , here I can also add , I don't want to cough or sneeze , in front of my husband , he will rush to a Doctor saying my wife is contagious so give me a precautionary medication 😀

  3. Aah...what a cute post.....and ur man seems like a gentle man...all men well.most hav these traits...joyful post

  4. This is a really sweet post though I don't relate to many of them. My partner and I have a very different relationship to this, and that's ok. He does however distract me when something comes on the TV that I don't want to see, and will tell me when it's 'over', so there is that :)

    My latest AtoZ is G for Gaming - :)

  5. This is brilliant!
    I'll admit to a few of these but not all of them ;)

  6. Sweet post! I guess every woman will can have unique additions to this list! Have a good day! :-)

  7. Neat humor always brings a smile. Interesting read. And like @Archana says- every1 will have their own additions too...

  8. 😊🤣😅 Interesting.

  9. Hilarious! But so true too... I have two kids, but I often feel like I'm raising three because my partner needs as much training as the kids do.

  10. The first paragraph, the one in orange, is so hilarious :D You're so cheeky and on point. Raising a husband - ROFL!!! Stupid female drivers, tsk, tsk! Points 5 and 6 are so super cute, I have not noticed 5 happening but they're cute!

    Here's my post for H:
    Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban

  11. You raise husbands ??? Lol !! Cute post :)

  12. Well. Good you know these things. But you are yet to know lot of other things. HeHe

    1. Tell me about it, I am ears. Well in this case, eyes. :P


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