All through my life I always believed that you need to be with someone who makes you happy, who soothes away all troubles. Because this is what was fed to most of us since childhood that our happiness depends upon our partner, it is his job to make me happy. Be it Fairy tales where Knight in shining armour saves the damsel in distress or Mills and Boon or Harlequinn romances where a rich dude saves a down on luck girl. This is how it is supposed to be.

Well, NO. And nobody could have explained this better than Katrina Kaif. She, in one of the episodes of Koffee with Karan said something that blew me away. Yes, the most superficial talk show had this gem and the respect for this lady has grown 10 folds. 

She said, "My biggest learning in relationships is nobody is responsible for your happiness. And you cannot give them that power, because you cannot burden another person with that responsibility." and it made complete sense to me. Making one person responsible for my happiness is the most selfish thing to do. Being happy or unhappy is wholely and solely my job and nobody can be credited or blamed for it. 

Nothing irritates me more than someone asking me if my husband is keeping me happy or vice versa. In times when most of us are struggling to keep ourselves mentally afloat, we are not equipped to shoulder someone else's happiness, no matter how much we love that person. If we do, we are just walking down the road of disappointment. 

 So the moral of the post is, that we need to find happiness within ourselves, with things we do and if it requires you to put yourself first, I suggest you do it. Because for a successful relationship, contentment is the key. If you are content with your life and with what you do, that trickles into your relationship. 

So, my suggestion is be your own knight and ensure your own happy ending and live happily ever after. 

I am participating in Blogging from A-Z challenge 2022, and this is my post for I - I am my own Happy Ending. 


  1. Reminds of the happiness quote that its like a butterfly, the more you chase it the more elusive it gets!

    Jayashree writes

  2. Absolutely superb 👌 👏 👍 😀 I totally agree with your post . Happiness uses the trickle down theory . It's contagious and spreads itself ...So cheers 🍻 to eternal joy 😊

  3. What a bful msg u gave....yes i think eventually everyone know that relation ship doesn't work like that! It's not easy to keep some one always happy....that bit what Katrina said i saw somewhere too and loved it...though didn't see the episode. Great title for post too:)

  4. Wow. You're right. For the first time I feel respect for that lady. And sahi mei, such a gem in such a 'bundal' talk show. You're so right my friend, I love how you have put it. Equipping ourselves to be responsible for someone else's happiness eventually ends up becoming so heavy under expectations, you end up breaking. We absolutely are solely and wholely responsible for our happiness. No one else is. Of your serious posts in the A-Z series so far, possibly my best read until now.

  5. Very true .. Renu we all need to learn that some learn it the hard way .. you need your passions .. your serials ..your walks .. your madness .. u can't be a part of someone's else's life all the time u need yours tooo...

  6. Be your own Knight... So beautifully said. I have realised this over the last one year and I am working on the same. It's not easy but definitely worth everything.

    Hope you check out my A-Z challenge posts in which I am trying to have every sentence of the story (one chapter a day) start with the letter of the day https://momandideas.com/

  7. Maybe because I was single for so long, and a loner through school, I never tried to pin my happiness to another person. Of course, my sadness sometimes came via failed connections, but was that the other person's fault or my own?

  8. That's a golden rule: be your own knight.


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