Questions that made me wonder and laugh.....

1. If the mountains are triangular in shape and the sadhus sit on the tip of the mountain to meditate....wouldn't that be weird and uncomfortable with the tip poking the sadhu in the wrong place.

2. I always wonder if the people in the background of movie or show scenes are actually talking to one another or just mouthing random things…

3. Why doesn't Tarzan have a beard.... or hairy chest... Isn't he supposed to be a Jungle Man?

4. Stop and wonder?How many of us really did stopped and wondered??

5. Who was the first person who actually milked the cow and decided to drink that weird looking white thing? Eeeeyyuuu

6. When Cinderella decided to run back to her place at the stroke of midnight...how come everything disappeared but those darn pair of shoes????

7. How come goofy can stand and talk while Pluto remains on all fours...aren't both of them Dogs?

8.Can blind people see dreams??

9. How important does a person have to be before they are considered assassinated instead of just murdered? 


10 . Which idiot came up with a genius idea of Marriage ???


  1. I'm resisting discussing and debating half of these interesting questions because I know that wasn't the point. I'll just do one cuz it's one I always wondered too...I watched a documentary about movie extras and the ones in the documentary, at least, didn't actually talk. Just moved their mouths and faces. (And people saw baby cows drinking just like baby humans and knew what it was okay I'm stopping now).

    1. hmm okay...:)

      Well baby pigs, donkeys...horses every single baby mammal drink milk in d same fashion...why cowss?

    2. People routinely drank the milk of the stock animals...especially goats and sheep. Pig udders were always covered in feces and considered unclean in so many cultures, horses and donkeys, they only have two teats, suggesting they didn't usually produce enough to feed people and their own babies. I'm sorry. I am literally a professional "think of weird questions and find out their answers" person. So thinking about this all just thrills me. :)

  2. Many of the questions actually made me laugh ! some were silly thou... the title entice me to have a look ! nice jot of silly and unreasonable questions !

  3. if u find the answer to last question do tell me..

    1. i've got my sleeves rolled up and belan in one hand....trying really hard to find d culprit

  4. Hahaha! These are so funny! :P
    I found the milk one hilarious!

  5. goofy and pluto, ya, i have wondered about that too! very funny indeed....

  6. Wow..this is soo funny. Have a great weekend dear.

    xo Janika

  7. Hahhahaha! The first and fifth ques made me laugh like anything!!!

    1. I really wonder a lot abt it since I was a kid

  8. I've always wondered that about Cinderella too! And yes, bling people can dream, they just aren't visual in nature.

  9. hehehehe .. i was way too late ... amazing questions ... made me giggle all through out !!
    recently i made a jungle man .. a tarzan too .. i drew .. and yes long hair but no beard and no chest hair ... hahaha why ??? i dnt know ??
    and the sadhu and the mountain tip was just something i feel like drawing right away !! Must say .. u have that thing in u ..humour to the core !!
    hilarious ..... all the love and thumbs up to a gr8 post to bring smiles on my face !!

  10. Haha you have time to wonder and laugh over these questions :D

    1. vella dimag .....at it's khurafatiat best..:P

  11. Laughed & again laughed...:D good one.

  12. What on earth made u think all of these!

    1. don't know...few things popped up in my head...d rest people around made me think abt...:)

  13. Ever wondered what is inside your head :)

  14. How can all these thoughts come in your mind. Hilarious.

    Travel India

    1. don't know....but these things r der in my head :)

  15. Did you find the answer to the last one? Am looking for that person.

  16. Interesting questions. Laughable but Thinkable too esp the 4th and 8th one


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