First Love

Standing in the middle of the road
Clueless and Confused
In front of me I see a man, with a gentle smile
When I look back, I see you.

First love is so hard to forget
First love is so intense,
so hard and so deep
Its without any pretense

It's the best until its over,
heartbreak hurts like hell
Every time you look back 
Your eyes will well

You smile when you feel like crying
You act like you're okay
you're falling apart inside
To get out of this, there's no way

Finally you do find someone
who loves you back
But this time you love differently
Now you love more carefully more cautiously 


  1. very soothing read however I have a query ! may I ask which one should we term the first love ?? the first person (of opposite sex...same sex , may be , in some cases :) ) we got close with or the first right person we hang around with ? I am a little confused about who should be termed the first love ?

  2. You made me think about my first love.the painful moment is when you see again after all over.

  3. Just the right elements to express the distress of missing your first love ! beautifully placed with those rhythmic words !

  4. cute poem. and absolutely true those lines are :)

  5. So true! Beautifully written lines :)

  6. You can never get it back. F.

  7. very very nyc
    loved reading it.....

  8. Almost everyone would agree to this poem. Wonderful read.

  9. It does remind one of the first love but then for some its a self inflicted reality from which they never want to come out.

    In reality you grow to love the other person who is not your first love and many a time have a regret why did you not meet them first and the rest of the life can be beautiful if you keep trying to be a better person :).


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