Conversation - An Introvert's Biggest Enemy


People who know me know that I am a classic Introvert. Well, for me making friends is challenging, but luckily I have managed to retain whatever little friends I have. If you are an introvert or know an introvert, you'll agree that conversation is not our strongest suit. We have problems even with basic stuff like saying hello. A lot of people mistake our inability to converse as a sign of arrogance. We might look like that but we are good people 😁😁😁  

Let me tell you about an incident. When my eldest sister got engaged, after a lot of self-talk mustered up enough courage to walk up to my brother-in-law and congratulate him. I went there, smiled, put my hand forward, and forgot the word I needed to utter, my mind went blank, and I couldn't remember the word "Congratulations." I am not exaggerating here, but I broke into a cold sweat. I think twice or thrice before calling a waiter and do without internet when wi-fi goes off because that would require me to contact my internet provider. 

Every time my friends plan a get-together, I nod my head and agree but in my mind, I am already thinking of excuses that I could come up with so that I don't have to go. When I do go, I need time off for at least a week to get my energy back. I love my friends, I will kill for them but socializing is exhausting. 

May God bless the soul who invented the internet and social media. For the first time, I realized how extroverts must feel when they put their points across when in a company. I always dreaded face-to-face meetings, still not very keen on talking on phones, but online chatting I can happily do for hours, I feel I am at my wittiest best then. Told you, I am a true-blue-introvert. 

With COVID came work-from-home, and I could feel my extrovert friends getting agitated with being stuck at home; well, I had never been happier. It meant I could stay at home all day, every day. No one was visiting, and I could watch TV and read books all day. Even office meetings didn't require us to switch on cameras. It was heaven in Pajamas. 

Recently, a friend told me that I am not an Introvert but an Ambivert, meaning that I am the best of both worlds; on social media and with my friends, I am an extrovert, and in all other situations, I am an introvert. I like the sound of it... whatsay?

Hope you enjoyed reading it!!

Disclaimer: I am participating in Blogging from A-Z challenge 2022, and this is my post for c - Conversation- An Introvert's Biggest Enemy. 



  1. My biggest enemy too. I am dreading going to office from next month as they reopen..i am terrible at socialising.....I am happy with this life ....hybrid model is good and all but the introvert in me got fully alive in covid.

    Relatable post for me

    1. My boss thinks I broke my leg so that I could avoid coming to work... that's the reputation I have. Thank you so much :)

  2. This hits me where I am as I am also a classic introvert. My wife jokes that I could be an artificial intelligence since I'm so active on social media but so reserved in real life.

    Congrats on your first A to Z and entering your 40s. I'm 8 years into my 40s now and it hasn't been so bad, except for the whole pandemic thing.

    My A to Z is about Documentary Movies and you can check out today's post at

  3. Absolutely right. At times even I feel given a choice of going out or staying alone at home, I'd rather pick the latter anytime 😊. I totally agree with this post of yours Mix πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘

    1. An apple doesn't fall too far from the tree

  4. Oh I hear you. I was an introvert until my junior college. I don't know what happened then, but I started getting comfortable around people I knew a bit. Of course, I am an extrovert now but give me a mic and ask me to introduce myself in front of a crowd and you can see my nervousness πŸ™‚ Loved reading this post and yay to internet!!!
    See you around the A-Z challenge!

    1. I am jealous of extroverts. Things are so much easier for you people. Anyways, thank you so much dear.

  5. I used to be more introverted but now I am a full on extrovert.
    I have no idea how that happened!

    Tim Brannan
    The Other Side | The A to Z of Conspiracy Theories

    1. Lucky you. Well I am an online extrovert, so i guess, I m almost there. Thank you for visiting :)

  6. Oh I hear you - everytime I went with a group of friends - I got so self conscious that I would have a hundred conversations in my mind even before talking. And even then I was so afraid of making a mistake that these groups of people would never know the real me.

    It is slightly better these days - I would highly recommend the book - Quiet by Susan Cain if you're interested. It is a nice read about introverts and helped me understand a little more about myself.

    1. I agree... I too feel my friends and family are yet to know me. Will definitely read the book. Thanks a lot.

  7. I am the extrovert that collects introvert friends and takes them out on quiet walks sometimes :D
    The Multicolored Diary

    1. Hahahah, well in my case my extrovert friends have adopted me and I am not complaining :P

  8. I'm an introvert, but am capable of being and conversing with others when I feel up to it.

    1. Yeah, so is the case with me. I am pretty talkative with my friends not so much with strangers.

  9. Then I must I am lucky to be one of the few you meet! And had you not told this, I would never have guessed. Because with me you're so chatty, someday I might even beg you to stop! :D .. you're perfect the way you are girl. But, I like the sound of ambivert, hadn't heard that before!

    1. I am super comfortable with you since indifiction days. So, I am pretty talkative with you. But I kinda avoid most.


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