KYC - Know Your Child


Any parent who says they understand their child and can predict their next move is either a superhuman or is just lying. No matter what age, children are like PMSing women - their moods, taste, and words change even before they can bat their eyes, and they are always cranky. 

1. You go to a relative's place and tell them your child hates sweets. That day your child will have sweets and ask for a second serving, and if you haven't died of shame already, maybe the third serving too. 

2. Your child is after you for guitar classes, and you buy him a pretty expensive guitar and enrol him in an equally expensive guitar class. Day and night, you keep hearing tuneless guitar noise and yet clap and say, "oh, what amazing music." But still, despite ruining your eardrums and living with a perpetual headache, you get to hear that the guitar is a dull instrument and how his fingers ache and if only he could enrol in drum classes instead. I wish I was strong and cruel enough to give corporal punishment. 

3. Like all boys, your child obsesses over football and can't stop talking about Messi, Ronaldo or Neymar Jr. So you ask him if he wishes to join football, and he refuses and says he wants to learn Cricket. You get him in cricket class only to find he hates it. 

He will run around the house all through the day, it would seem like he has difficulty sitting in one place, but when going to school, he can happily on his potty seat for half an hour. If you ask him to go down and play, he is tired, only to find him running around the house again. We have named our pot a Throne and my son the king because that's where he remembers the homework he forgot, the button he broke and other important pieces of information. 

Now that he is a teenager, we usually get along except when I say NO to something, when I try to correct him, advise him, ask him to study, read a book, go down and play, if I say something in front of his friends or teachers, if I cooked something he doesn't like or if I just looked at him... other than that we are almost like buddies. 

All through my life, I always thought I would be that amazing mom who said those inspirational quotes, which my son would fondly tell my grandchildren when I am gone. My son will be 14 soon, and I am still screaming, "Get off  your potty seat."

I am participating in Blogging from A-Z challenge 2022, and this is my post for K - KYC - Know Your Child. 


  1. Lovely 😜 and 14 if i face the same i would be the mantal woman....i just love ur humor and kids do choose exact moments to put us to shame . Lol..happened to me too ..whenever i ask zara to dance infront of others she refuses ur images

  2. πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†We are sailing in the same boat ...I have already given up my oars 😁😁😁Absolutely Fantastic πŸ‘ πŸ’―

  3. I love it. The only thing my kids are going to quote from me is ... drawing a blank...

    Medical Needs

  4. Still laughing!! As my sister says, we love our children whey they are sleeping! Jokes apart, enjoy each phase for what it gives and you give to it! Happy AtoZ!!

  5. Funny 🀣 .. and so apt ..

  6. Haha well written i also spend most of my time screaming nowdays

  7. Its like when you feel you have learned the language it magically transforms from Greek to Portugese and then to Spanish! It seemed so easy when our mothers were doing the job!

  8. Hahahaha, you are such a stress buster to read. The first example you gave totally reminds me of ... myself, as my parents say. When I was a super fussy eater, my exhausted parents even took me to doctors who asked me what I liked and happily in front of them I would say Idli and the doctor would tell my parents, see she likes Idli, you should just make idlis for her. My parents would do everything short of bang their head against a wall then, for they knew what would happen. They give me idli and I would promptly spit it out!

    Read a heart-wrenching tale on friendship at The Kite Runner


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