Lovers and Liars


A week ago, I read a magazine that said 73% of people lie to their partners. I don't know how much of it is true, but that's what the publication claimed. If you asked me, I think 100% of the couples do. I lie all the time.

Imagine, If I told my husband the actual cost of the pair of jeans I bought? or that I ruined his favourite shirt because I forgot to separate the whites from the colours. Now his formal white shirt has green patches all over it. I love my life and my happiness; needless to say, I will lie. I will say I bought those jeans in a 50% off sale and can't find his white shirt. 

Having said that, I do not condone lying in a relationship. If I lust over a Korean/ Hollywood/Bollywood actor, my partner will be the first to know. On another thought, I think I would keep that information to myself. In my defence, I am not lying here. Hiding information is not lying. 

Every evening, we tell each other what we did and whom we met. Most of the time absolute truth, but when I meet my friends while coming from work and we stop by for a plate of Pani puri, I usually omit that part. I don't know why, but I do. The poor man has never stopped me from hanging out with my friends, but still. If you ask me, I feel white lies are absolutely normal in a relationship. If you don't lie, are you even a couple??

I agree lies can be damaging, but it has a lot to do with the lie and gravity of the situation. A white lie is fun, even acceptable, and most of the time, it is pretty laughable. But lying on serious topics, be it infidelity or you eating away the slice of pizza that he had been saving for the next day's breakfast, can be detrimental to your relationship. Especially the latter one, this one I can tell you by experience, can be pretty serious. Oh, what a nightmare.

So my suggestion is don't be an open book, let there be a little mystery, keep your partner guessing on a few things, but the important part is to share the essential things because your partner deserves to know. 

I hope you enjoyed reading it, and let me know have you ever lied to your partner.

I am participating in Blogging from A-Z challenge 2022, and this is my post for L - Lovers and Liars.


  1. Am very poor with lying. My eyes give away i guess ...but i don't wanna disclose everything that's for sure....he is good at lying though and am good at catching it :)

  2. I agree with your point that instead of lying u r simply hiding information which is absolutely fine 🙂. My husband and myself are simply too lazy to lie considering so much thinking and manipulation is required and remembering that too for future reference 🙄

  3. I guess I have never lied, never to my family. Except telling people I am ok, or my 3 yo things like I can see monster germs in your teeth while brushing or I will not talk to you.

    Dropping by from A-Z challenge
    Do check out my blog -

  4. How can someone be so hilarious man! How can you write about a topic of lying to your partner and still make it so funny to read! Pani Puri lies are default - my husband is a germophobe especially around pani puris and thele waale bhaiyya se nahi khaya to kya khaya! (Translated to: If you don't eat from a streetside stall, then where's the fun in that!)

    But you're right when you say about the gravity of the situation (that last pizza slice though, LOL)
    If it feels morally wrong, omitting would be wrong. But then the definition of morals is different from person to person. So, who knows, shrug!

    Here's my post for K:
    The Kite Runner

  5. if these are lies max ...then I'm a branded liar...🤣.
    and I'm proudly saying it coz I love doing it...🥰🥰

  6. I know I lie but not intentionally and I always feel so bad... Yes your take on this subject is light-hearted as relationships should be.
    <a href=">My Y</a> hard to wrap a story about Ukraine. Cheers


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