Attention: Before you start reading it, I apologize to whosoever finds this word offensive. And if you have a great distaste for this word, I suggest you stop reading it right away because I have used it extensively in my post. 

Yesterday, my friends were discussing what we could write on F in the ongoing A- Z blogging challenge. Some group members said something about F-word, and we all joked about it, and the topic ended. 

I since childhood have been told, and that too pretty strictly, that we were not supposed to use expletives in the house or outside. Just the usage of stupid, idiot or donkey was enough to get us royally punished. But lately, I have found a great liking for the word FUCK. 

Just say the word aloud, and you will realize how liberating the word is. I have given great thought to it. I personally don't find the word the least bit offensive. Most probably, it has a lot to do with the context. I never use the word as an offence or an abuse like Fuck you! Who the Fuck do you think you are? Or Fuck off...

My usage of the word is more like an emphasis. Like

1. Oh Fuck!

2. What the fuck!

3. That's so fucking awesome

4. Fuck it!

5. I am so fucked

6. I don't give a fuck.

 The only problem that lies here is... I never say the word aloud, no matter how much I like it. I usually mutter it or just think, because I know I can't say this word with the conviction it deserves.  Because to say this word, you need to have a certain kind of confidence, the American kind-of confidence, especially the African-American kind. Not everybody can say it and look cool. A part of me feels like I will not do justice to this word. Imagine an Indian woman with an Indian accent saying them... doesn't sound even remotely convincing.

But nevertheless, it is my favourite word along with Shit and Screwed. I won't say much now because I know my sisters and friends would be reading it, and I have scandalized them enough. 

I am participating in Blogging from A-Z challenge 2022, and this is my post for F - FUCK IT!


  1. That was FUCKING awesome!! But yeah I totally share your space. In my mind I go full speed, in reality, a little (or more) less! It's got its own power.

  2. Haha..the fear of family reading us is always looming ;)
    But for once u can f i mean chuck it :p
    Fun post as always!

  3. I look absolutely fucking cool saying it haina ?

    1. Yes, you do. Dekha jaaye toh you are an absolute badass.

  4. That was freaking awesome πŸ‘Œ πŸ‘ πŸ‘ 😍 Well to be honest I m not so fond of this word . But to each his own . I really liked the way u went full on with the usage , still not promoting it . 😁

    1. I know you don't. And I know it must have been difficult for you to write anything positive about the said topic.

  5. This is F**** awesome. Liked thecway you presented it

  6. Fucking loved reading this post. I got this word on my tongue since I entered advertising and the liberal usage of the word in the industry added it automatically to ny vocabulary. Oh the fear I had while pregnant that what if my toddler uses it!!! I tried not using the word for four years. I might have accidentally said oh fuck once a few months ago and of course she heard it. I have my excuses and rhyming words ready if any parent comes and says my kid used the word while I tell her that it is a grown up word 🀣🀣 she can use after growing up.

    See you around the A-Z challenge!
    Hope you stop by my blog https://momandideas.com/

    1. I know... the same with me. Since, I have started going to work my language has changed dramatically.

  7. I fucking love u for this😘😘
    itna bhi bura nahi hai...it is just how v use it..🀣

  8. Am sure you must have felt liberating after writing this post:)

  9. At heights of frustration i say keeeeeeen off ! The keeeeen is the masking sound to be filled with whatver expletive is appropriate ha ha

  10. Haha! Yes, there is something delightful about shouting that particular expletive, isn't there?

    I find myself most recently frequently mentally muttering "bollocks." *laugh*


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