We often look down on the entire concept of making mistakes. If you ask me, it is one of the most underrated and underutilized forms of learning. Mistakes happen when you dare to do something you had never done before or step into an absolutely new area that is out of your comfort zone. In short, when you are BOLD.

I do not mean being rude, aggressive, or foolhardy is Bold. Bold, in my opinion, is all about being confident, living life on one’s terms and being unapologetic. So, take my advice- be bold, adventurous, and brave when making decisions – good or bad – you will come out as a winner. If good, you get to flaunt it. If bad, you will learn from it. 

Personally speaking, I am a mistress of the so-called- bold-mistakes, from changing my bag on the morning of an exam resulting in forgetting my admission card on the first day of my XIIth  Boards to choosing Political Science as my honours subject and proposing to my husband on the first day we met and that too just after 5 minutes of conversation. Everybody including my parents thought I was just plain simply reckless well to me I was being brave and following my gut. If, I get to go back in time and change... I will not. I will happily make these "mistakes" again. 

Fool rush in where angels fear to tread - My sister, who always played safe, often said that to me. Now that I am older and I can reply, if she is reading this, “Maybe that’s why Fools have interesting stories to tell.”

Let me end this with a quote from We Bought a Zoo, “You know, sometimes all you need is twenty seconds of insane courage. Just literally twenty seconds of just embarrassing bravery. And I promise you, something great will come of it.”

I hope you enjoyed reading. Please do comment and let me know what you think. 

Disclaimer: I am participating in Blogging from A-Z challenge 2022 and this is my second post for B - Be Bold As Your Eyeliner


  1. It's funny how in the earlier years we are not so worried to make mistakes, nothing much at stake. Later on we get into that What If phase. And then you get into the best, absolutely Don't Care phase. Owning our actions and mistakes. I think I love this one the best. Nothing great has ever come out of worrying about everything. We got to just go for it. Of course have goofed up too. But like you said no regrets. They've all made me what I am today. Best decisions ever I feel, to just do what your gut says.

    1. Great mind think alike :D Thank you sooooooo much, Deepa

  2. I was never brave in my life (i feel so) . I feel you are saying last thing even to me. May b that's why I don't hav terrific stories...but i do hav stories due to my recklessness :) grt post again

  3. Absolutely superb 👌 👏 👍 😀 I totally agree 👍 👌 and feel really that it's OK to suck at things as long as u keep pushing yourself to keep trying them 👍

  4. Brave i have been don't know any other way :) but yess necessary to express yourself . And as for people kuch to log kahenge ....

  5. I can absolutely relate to this...I still have is bold and adventurous nature built in me...or in my words "kar lete hai ..dekha jaayega" attitude..and i won't deny ,i really have also enjoyed it....loved this post of urs...keep it up

  6. Actually it takes one second ... when you decide "ok i am going to do this " ... interesting :)

    1. Yeah, that's true. All it takes is one second to make your mind.

  7. Totally relate with what you wrote. Loved it

    1. I couldn't agree more! I wrote a remarkably similar post. :) We have to be brave, even recklessly brave, if we are to really live.

  8. Yes we need to be bold even if we crash. We learn and take it up again for another day.

  9. I agree, we learn a lot from our mistakes and they are severely underrated. I had nightmares about forgetting my hall ticket before boards... You actually did that... Ouch, it must have been so tough. I would really like to know what happened when you reached the center.
    See you around the A-Z challenge!

    1. Well, the teachers at the exam center were understanding. They let me appear for the exam. Thanks for visiting :)

  10. Wow ..hats off to your boldness...wish i had 1% of that my life would have been so different.... loving your posts....


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