Just joking...

You know what has saved more lives than the medicines... the phrase JUST JOKING. It has averted major fights, saved friendships and even brought about laughter. This phrase should/would have easily won a Nobel Peace Prize if it was a person.

All through my life, I have been an on-the-face person. I am not diplomatic, and my parents have often complained about my poor people skills, which has put me in a lot of trouble. For instance, when I was groom hunting (yes, your's truly was indeed a hopeless person and couldn't find herself a guy and had to go for her parent's help to get hitched), I met a man, and our conversation went as follows:

I - So, what kind of a life partner are you looking for?

Him - Somebody who takes care of my parents, my home and me. (Well, his people-pleasing skills were as questionable as mine)

I (being who I am) - You don't have to marry for that. Servants are going to be a lot cheaper. 

Him - But there are other things that a servant cannot do. (Oh, that cringe-worthy look of his still makes my skin crawl.)

I - You can always buy that too. Why marry? 

My elder sister, who was sitting beside me, looked understandably shocked. But my sarcasm flew over his swollen head. That's the beauty of sarcasm, the witty enjoy it, and the stupid don't get it. I know that he didn't because he asked if he could be friends with me on Yahoo Messanger. To which I just laughed and that this duffer understood. 

I did get a good shouting from my parents, not because I refused. They would have done the same. But because my conversation wasn't ladylike. In my defence, I was JUST JOKING. 

For decades, Just joking has been my go-to phrase. It has got me out of innumerable situations when it became difficult, almost physically painful, to keep my mouth shut. But you can't use the phrase just like that. If you want people to believe you, you must carefully wrap it in wit and sarcasm. Wit, so it looks like a joke and subtle sarcasm to pass the message through. But the worst is when I am outrightly mean and direct, yet people just laugh it off, thinking it's my weird humour. 

Before I end this post, I hope you listen to this song. It's an absolute gem by Thomas Benjamin. 

I am participating in Blogging from A-Z challenge 2022, and this is my post for J - Just Joking. 


  1. Yes, u r right in saying that "Just Joking" is a wonderful phrase and should be acknowledged for its absolutely impeccable situation saver qualitiesπŸ‘ŒπŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ˜πŸ˜πŸ˜πŸ₯³πŸ₯³

  2. Hmmm. when someone says, Just Joking, I ALWAYS think it's actually their truth!


  3. Oh the audacity of him to talk like that...groom hunting is the worst process on this earth...i kno not for all but in general it is. I love u for using witty humor which didn't get in to his thick head.

    Will check video

  4. I have never read such a serious post describing how just joking can be such a savior! Very smart writing. I wonder who ended up marrying that not-so-prospective groom.


  5. Oh my dear God, the kind of stories I have heard with these kind of situations - both for guys and girls. Good on you, though! They do have servants for all that! Entitled snobs! I love your wit and humor, you're super fun to be around! And yes, just keep dishing out your opinions, beautifully gift wrapped in sarcasm and wit!

    Here's my post for J:
    Jurassic Park

  6. True... its a life saver especially when the part of the brain that pulls the strings of the tongue is a bit out of order :D

  7. Yeah, that guy doesn't sound like a great choice. Not really looking for a life companion there. Sounds like you were wise to crack jokes.

    I stopped by your FB and Instagram as well.
    J Lenni Dorner (he/him πŸ‘¨πŸ½ or πŸ§‘πŸ½ they/them) ~ Co-host of the #AtoZchallenge, OperationAwesome6 Debut Author Interviewer, Reference& Speculative Fiction Author


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