Age doesn't matter unless you are bread


I wonder how "AGE" managed to get so much importance in our lives and that, too, to such an extent that everything we do gets immediately compared if it is in accordance with the time we've spent alive. But if you see fish. I don't think they ever wonder if they need to stop swimming or hunting or whatever they do to fill their stomach at a certain age. Age does not restrict animals; why does it restrict us?

I can't help but think about who made AGE such a life-changing event for us and how that person or a group of people managed to brainwash the entire world.

According to me...

1.       Maturity doesn't come with age

For instance, Will Smith smacked Chris Rock ( no, I do not condone violence) for a poor joke at this year's Oscar ceremony. I jumped off a three-foot wall despite knowing I was wearing slippers, and it was a pretty idiotic thing to do, yet still, I went ahead and fractured my foot. We three ( Chris, Will Smith and I), when compared to Malala or Greta Thunberg or even my son, look/sound highly immature. So, thus I rest my case by saying that the only thing that matures with time is wine, not we humans. Maturity has nothing to do with age.

2.       One is never too old

Yes, we do age, and there is no way to stop it. But remember, ageing physically is different from ageing mentally. The latter is way worse than the former. Mental ageing forces you not to have dreams, and it pushes you to maintain life's status quo. But there are a few who are young at heart like that 90-year-old Dadi starting a pickle business,  80+ something running her cookery channel, or a 39-year-old me getting a full-time job for the first time. Age is no limit. So, have fun irrespective of how old you are. 

If you want to break into a dance in the middle of the day or goof around or prank someone… go ahead. You only live once

I hope you enjoyed reading it. If yes, let me know. If not, please do let me know. 

Disclaimer: I am participating in Blogging from A-Z challenge 2022 and this is my first post for A - Age doesn't matter unless you are bread


  1. Your post filled so much hope and made me feel positive about aging:) i see in India it is much more stressed than other countries..we adhere more to inhibitions and Norms..good luck with challenge

  2. Super 💖... Yes u only live once so stop worrying what people think be YOU!

  3. I really loved your outlook on age. And the maturity bit too! Looking forward to more wonderful posts!

  4. An excellent start. I always say just because your old doesn't mean you can't be immature. I look forward to seeing more of your posts.

  5. I enjoyed your take on aging, and look forward to the other posts in your series. I definitely share your view and wonder how different things would be if age were an almost irrelevant consideration.

  6. I also appreciated your aging blog. I think societies sway people more in their thinking (like about age or even money) than even 100 years ago.
    Happy A to Zing.
    This month my fiction is in Ukraine - 2022. I wrote the original story while I lived in Ukraine (2007).Enjoy April!
    The Letter A

    1. Thank you so much. Oh, I love stories. Will definitely read.

  7. Great theme for 2022 and I love the title of this post. I guess I've been mature or responsible to raise three beautiful smart daughters who are now doing a great job of raising their own kids. But still I feel much like I did over 50 years ago when I was in high school. No way that I feel as old as I am most of the time, but now and then some thing kicks in to remind my body that I'm getting older. My mind is usually not listening. I'm still pretty wacky in my advanced age. That's okay by me.

    Arlee Bird
    Tossing It Out Battle of the Bands

  8. gave me a different point of view to look at age and life...nice start...eager to read more of your works in this month long challenge..

  9. Great post! I at one point really felt as though maturity should come with age and, as a result, I was no longer allowed to have meltdowns (due to my autism) past a certain age. Of course, meltdowns are never a positive thing, but they aren't willful misbehavior and it isn't like I'll ever outgrow my autism. In this sense, I may appear immature indeed.

    1. Meltdowns are good, meeting people after that can be awkward. Meltdowns make you feel better, it helps take the steam out. Never underestimate the power of a meltdown. In my case, I can't blame Autism for my immaturity. Anyways thank you soo much for visiting :D

  10. Whenever someone tells me "I don't look my age or I don't act my age", I usually say "This is the first time I'm my age!" and "please explain what you mean by you don't look your age". That usually shuts people up!
    Agree with you on everything you've said!

    1. Weren't you curious what they meant when they said "You don't look your age" I would have gone mad thinking about it. Thanks for dropping by.

  11. Wonderful write up and totally relevant for all . I guess the day we stop bothering about our age, like u said ,we can be genuinely motivated to live life with excitement and enthusiasm .

  12. Wonderfully written and absolutely true!

  13. I'm laughing out loud at how smartly and cheekily you clubbed Chris, Will Smith and yourself into a single bucket. And also managed to compare with Greta or Malala and your son. Your antics make you young, and I wish you always stay that way. Maturity is for the serious moments, we do what we are needed to do then. Why stay mature all the other time then!! Ageing mentally truly sucks! I love the memes that talk about mentally young physically old folks pranking and causing havoc at nursing homes!

  14. I once had a colleague ask me how old I was. When I answered, she said, "You don't look that age!"

    But THIS (pointing to myself) is what 'that age' looks like!

    We have very skewed ideas about how age 'looks'.

    1. Tell me about it... nothing irritates me more than that. Thank you for visiting.

  15. A light post with lingering feelings. When it comes to age, Kazantzakis's Zorba the Greek is my role model. He is of my age by the way.


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