Gym & I

Today, I chanced upon my relative's before and after the weight loss picture, and honestly, I was amazed by the transformation. She lost a massive 20 kilos. I heard she had been gymming a lot. 

Well, my relationship with my Gym can be best described as Complicated. Either I am completely into it, or I am just avoiding it like the plague. The change of attitude, just like any relationship, is pretty gradual :

Night Before Day 1: 

Gym Clothes neatly folded, Shoes wrapped and kept in gym bags. 

Day 1

At 5 in the morning, I thoroughly wash my face, brush my hair, and reach the Gym on time. 

  • Run-on treadmill
  • Cycle
  • Row
  • Lift weights

By the time I am done, I feel like a cartoon character whose bones will break into million pieces with just the slightest touch.

Day 2: 

Almost the same as Day 1. Only a slight difference - my body aches. I can feel every muscle and bone in my body and even those I didn't know existed. And yes, I forgot to ready my gym bag the previous night.

Day 3: 

I get up late, so I have to run to the Gym without getting ready. After gyming, I go to the loo to find that I look like a homeless person. My hair is all wet, my eyes have gunk in them, and I have white stains around my mouth. I wish I at least washed my face. The whole day I was as good as dead.

Day 4: 

I get up late... again. I run in my pyjamas, again forgetting to wash my face. I don't feel like lifting weights, so I do 20 mins—of extra running on the treadmill. Act as almost dead the whole day.

Day 5: 

I fail to get up and felt guilty for the next 24 hours. I choose not to have the Ice Cream that I was offered to repent. 

Day 6

I get up, go to the loo and go back to sleep. But complained about it and ate (simultaneously) as I went through the day. 

Day 7: 

I don't bother to get up, and I don't feel guilty this time.

And as Ross Geller would say, "We (Gym and I) went on a break."

After six months and with a couple of extra kilos, I am back in the Gym... romancing for as long as it lasted (In most cases, five days).

Current status 

Like a proper Bollywood-style film,  my feet are against my relationship with the Gym and have forced me to stay in my room.  

(I fractured my foot and am not allowed to move)

Farewell, dear Gym, till we meet again. 

I am participating in Blogging from A-Z challenge 2022, and this is my post for G - GYM & I


  1. Hahaha I and so many of us can relate! Day 2 and 3 of gym are the worst. I agree with Ross ๐Ÿ˜‚ in this case.

    See you around the A-Z challenge!
    Hope you stop by my blog

    1. It's a love and hate relationship. kya karein?

  2. What a make up breakup relation ship u both hav ? Fun post as always...what I love abt ur posts is they r just unfiltered! In covid times my gymming totally halted. I love going atleast 3 days a pumps me. Not sure when i will go only home workouts..

  3. Hilarious ๐Ÿ˜‚ ๐Ÿ˜ƒ ๐Ÿ˜„ and so true to yourself๐Ÿค—๐Ÿค—๐Ÿ‘Œ๐Ÿ‘Œ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘...I remember when Munnie and you had enrolled in a Gym in Jaipur and wanted me to use the membership to recover the money ๐Ÿ˜„๐Ÿ˜„๐Ÿ˜„๐Ÿ˜ƒ๐Ÿ˜ƒ

    1. Yep... I did. Kya karoon fell out of love with that Gym.

  4. loved reading it...but max..I know u will start it very soon ..once u r back on ur toes...till then enjoii ur vacation...๐Ÿฅฐ๐Ÿฅฐ

  5. We both are not gym person we are better off running in open air

  6. Funny and moving at the same time. Hope you regain the lost love.

  7. Classic symptoms of a relationship with Gym. I love how you lay it out for us. I used to be an athlete but the gym was never my thing. Sorry about your foot (owww)

    Hiding in 1991

  8. LOL, you have summed it up so well. I am not a gym person at all. Neither a walk or run person. I prefer sports or aerobics kind of activities - but don't really do that much either, LOL! For whatever reasons. I was regular with baddy for a while, then the kids I play with started offline school and that's that. I did a few marathons and liked that but I don't think I am cut out to run a lot, especially more than 10K! I am trying to get more active at walking and stuff, but no - GYM is no can do!

    Here's my post for G:
    G: Growing Up Bin Laden

  9. Ha ha , thats why some people spend money to engage trainers ... to chase us around to stick to routine... but if the influencing revereses direction and trainer over sleeps too, thats someones career at stake !


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