Dance it out!!!

 Since childhood, dancing has been an integral part of sister/friend bonding. Though none of us (My 3 sisters and I) are trained dancers, what online gaming is for this generation, dance was for us. If there was a Power cut, we danced; if we had nothing to do, dance; Festival coming up - we gotta dance. We made sure we never missed an opportunity to showcase our dancing talent. Be it school functions, our complex festivities or family marriages. 

My elder sisters often told me that when I was just a toddler, they, along with our dad, used to dance to Boney M and Abba songs, especially Brown girl in the ring. So, I guess apples don't fall too far from the tree. 

But then I grew up, and I started taking life too seriously. Suddenly, dancing seemed like a pretty frivolous thing to do. Though behind closed doors and in showers, I would still dance and sing aloud, I tried to keep myself in control when out in the world. The more I pretended to be mature, the more lost and unsure I felt.

Almost 10 years ago, my friends and I went to a pub. We were celebrating my story that got published in an anthology. Though nobody was dancing, one of my friends walked up to the DJ and requested him to play some dancing numbers. He obliged, and slowly we all (including other guests) moved to the dance floor. It was soo much fun, from the latest Rihana and Beyonce songs to Asha Bhosle and Girls just wanna have fun. He played all. And I was back to dancing. I danced as if there was no tomorrow. My feet hurt, but I felt as if I was flying. 

Just a few weeks ago, I was having a stressful day at work, and somehow my friend sensed that, and she insisted we go dancing. For a person, who was absolutely exhausted and irritated, I danced till midnight. That's what dancing does to you. It helps you forget your troubles and relax.

Now along with my son, I dance regularly in the morning, which has become our mommy-son bonding time. We know we are horrible at it, but the laughers are honest and infectious. So, dance, guys and dance not to impress others but to relax, fly and express. Try it, and you'll know what I am trying to say. 

How do you relax??? Let me know...

I am participating in Blogging from A-Z challenge 2022, and this is my post for D - Dance it out


  1. After zaara dancing became my routine too. She is my lil dancing diva and i who was a dancer in school became shy after putting on weight :) but with her no shackles or's a stress buster

    Loved the post!

  2. Oh yes, i love to dance especially with my girl who loves it too ...

    1. Dancing with someone is the biggest stress buster. Thanks for visiting.

  3. Ammmaaaazzzzziiiinnnggggg😃😃😃😃🤩🤩🤩🤩 I still remember the idiotic moves we used to ape from Bollywood.😁😁

  4. How fun to have a daily dance party with your son! Fun and laughter are fabulous ways to start the day, aren't they?!

  5. Hey Renu,
    Been a long time, since I read something written by you. How are you? And DANCE -- my way of forgetting this world and get lost in my fantasies. Close the door, play the music and dance. Dance like there is no tomorrow, dance till your feet hurt but your heart sings...

    Beautiful post on Dancing your heart out...

    1. Yeah, it's been a long time. Glad to see you here and thanks a lot

  6. I used to love to dance - all the silly convention dances too. Can't do it as much these days because standing too long is an issue, but still remember how much fun it was. I may write for work, but I love writing to relax too - fanfic if very relaxing to me, and baking, although that tends to require more of the standing up, so I can't do as much of that as I used to either *pout*.
    May your dancing continue to bring you delight.💖
    Tasha's Thinkings: YouTube - What They Don't Tell You (and free fiction)

  7. Hi. Dancing can be a great stress buster. I used to love dancing and then it just faded out. My daughter loves to dance. Nice being here. Happy blogging!

  8. This is so bang on for me. Though I seem to have picked up the love for dancing only in my thirties. But I absolutely love it now!!! And yes we should go dancing too! Such a good stress buster and for fitness too!!!

  9. I was always the one with two left feet. But I started enjoying dancing a bit in my thirties. Now with my three year old, I have started dancing to songs in TV. Loved this post and feel like dancing💃
    See you around the A-Z challenge!
    Hope you stop by my blog

  10. That's so cool that your whole family dances like that. I'm a truly awful dancer and it stresses me out to try. I love your song choices, though.

  11. Let not dance become frivolous in your life. Blessed are those who can dance when the power is off or on.


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