Who needs prince charming??? ;)

Every girl wants a Prince Charming.... but at times I wonder......Will a Prince Charming go out in the rain with me, with no umbrella??? Will he wake up in the morning with tussled hair...disheveled look and still look extremely sexy and huggable?? Will he go out and buy vegetables and even bargain??

I guess not. When I imagine a Prince Charming, he’s a guy who would prefer broccoli and salads over paratha or pizza, who's impeccably dressed almost 24*7...properly combed and not a single hair out of place, even when he's about to hit the bed ..Starched white button-down shirt...shoes shining that could even bring mirrors to shame... something on d lines of Ken...our very own Barbie's boyfriend. When I meet such people all I want is to mess up their hair a little..force them into having french fries or burger make them look and feel a little more human.

I read it somewhere a house should be clean enough to be healthy and dirty enough to be comfortable. I think the same rule applies for men too... They should be clean enough to be healthy and dirty enough to make people feel comfortable around them. A perfect man I feel is a person who you could hug and not worry that you might wrinkle their shirt....Who would not mind running on the beach and getting dirty...or holding a little boys hand smeared in chocolate...

No wonder Prince Charming always remains a prince and never gets to become a King ;P


  1. Haha! Nice post!..I loved your definition of a perfect man! :)

  2. purrrfect!! my thoughts too!

    i hate guys who are all prim and proper all the time...i love disorder, and i am really uncomfortable around someone who is not!!

  3. Perfect description of a perfect Man! :) Guys (the prince charming one's) must know when there partner is enjoying & should go on with the flow, not afraid of if it would spoil their manly style :D Awesome write-up !

  4. Now I am feeling somewhat comfortable with my imperfections.

  5. awesome.. perfection is not always perfect.. wonderful thought. i loved it. keep it up renu.

  6. I guess most men would let their shirts be crumbled for the sake of a sweet hug!

    1. men never say no to a hug...its d women who fear hugging an exceptionaly clean man

  7. Mmm! Hope for me still? :) Though I don't know about the 'clean enough to be healthy' part of it :)

  8. Your statement about a house being 'dirty enough to be comfortable' reminds me of the movie Sleeping with the Enemy starring Julia Roberts! A good one, for sure!

    1. well the movie was not in my mind... while writing dis post

  9. Haha. .really enjoyed reading your post. Like you said yeah, a perfect man has not be like the one from a fantasy tale, but just be as a normal human being. . :) Interesting to know that girls hesitate to hug a man, in fear for spoiling his neat outfit!

    1. well yes they do...trust me.....Try entering a superclean home.... u'll think atleast 10 times befor sitting on d bed... same is with guys

  10. Haha! An awesome post indeed. I have always wondered if beauty is what girls always go for.

    1. Being a girl myself I know beauty is not d only thing a woman wants in a man

  11. I believe not majority of men (including me) care how they look.. a man being non perfect is being perfect for his better half.. :) :P

    nice post.. :) :D

  12. Prince., as derived from French "Prince" has its roots in Latin "Princeps" (primus - first) (capio - to seize) - FIRST TO SEIZE (throne - conventionally speaking)
    Charming - Fetching is the opportune synonym here...
    First-to-seize a fetching-CHARM.. now thats what a PRINCE CHARMING is to be...
    The FIRST to worship the ground honored by the feet of his CHARM.... who feels the best ensembles are shamed by her lazy and crumpled nightdress, a divine and dewy CHARM...who forsakes Zephyr to each her breath - CHARM of a thousand exotic FLOWERS... who wills to be enchanted by the CHARM of her loving velvety silken caress... who ascends above all realms of love in seeking to drown in her CHARMED gaze.... and much much more....

    PRINCE CHARMING to the CHARM......

    the cliched PRINCE CHARMING - his pathetic attributes, as sought, defined and expected - could never be created but by the fairer sex....

    an engrossing exposition nonetheless..... imaginative and creative...
    hats off.... keep it up....

  13. long time...was busy ...:) well wat do I say I have always had the pleasure of being in company of guys who are just the way I like...;)

  14. If properly tucked shirts,nicely combed hairs and all other douchyness were the criteria to get a girl then i would rather prefer to be a gay....no one wants to be a prince charming-douche bag...
    BTW,flawless narration...:)

  15. Agree on that about the "house should be clean enough to be healthy and dirty enough to be comfortable"

  16. i have read b'ful and perfect comments.... i have no words..:-)

  17. haha.. loved this interpretation of what an 'ideal' Prince Charming should be :)

  18. hahaha loved the interpretation
    here this prince not so charming is looking for his princess;P

  19. 3 months back...i replied in one of my comments...i would get back to your questions after few days...i never knew i would take 3 months for the same...anyways...here's something from my side to you...hope you would like it...!!!



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