An open letter to all husbands

An open letter to our husbands 

Dear Husbands,

How are you guys doing? I am sure most of you are fine.

I have something very important to say to all of you about something that has been troubling we women for a long time i..e.. STUBBLE IS BAD. You need to shave twice a day. Its getting difficult for us to go through the day with red stinging skin. I can point out five very important reasons why you should put an end to our prickly torture :-

Firstly, Stubble doesn't help you look like THE DREAM MAN . No sensible woman wants an untidy, unkempt, stubble man as there dream man.

Secondly, Have you been wondering why your wife is reluctant to get close to you in the evening the reason is not that u have a bad breath ( but its nice to brush twice) or she's tired. The reason is stubble is quite a turn off. It makes you look really bad and untidy.

Thirdly, Have you ever seen a heart-throb actor sporting a beard. Usually these top class actors sport a beard when they are showed dey are single and have no chances to mingle...devdas kinds. Most A class actors Clark Gable, Gregory peck, Tom Cruise, Hugh Jackman, Brad Pitt, Shah Rukh Khan, Salman Khan, Aamir Khan, Ranbeer Kapoor. All are clean shaven. Thats why they have a female following.

Fourthly, I am sure most of you guys are private people. You definitely don't want people to know what really transpired between you and your wife a night before. Imagine looking all red next day morning and everybody looking at her suspiciously. Trust me its embarassing.

Lastly, We women take so much of pain just to keep you guys happy. From waxing to threading to keeping ourselves fit. We scream , we cry everytime we have to go through that ordeal. Shaving twice is the least we could ask from our partners, am i not right?

Guys if you really love your woman. You have great shaving accessories even gillette has come up with Gillette Fusion Gamer, which is least painful and you could use it twice a day. Make your women feel special, she deserves it.

Just for your sake SHAVE TWICE... or you'll see yourself sleeping alone most of the time. 

Hoping you would take our warning seriously

This post is a part of the 'Shave or Crave' movement in association with


  1. Wow
    side effects of not shaving
    will consider shaving as soon as i am married:)

  2. Bull...A man with a smart beard is a true man.

  3. That's the best I've come across on a Shave. But Alas! Men will be Men.


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