Turning into a moral police

"What's the matter with you. You are taking your motherhood way too seriously. You were never like that. Where did that chilled out person go, a girl who would whistle at guys and was a pro at Adam teasing?" Anuja looked at me and her eyes never looked this big. Okay, I get it she's shocked with the way I behaved.

"You don't think I've done something right?" I m equally shocked with the way my best friend is reacting."A teenage boy and girl were making out in a public park. They were kissing and even were touching each other and less than 10 feet away, our children were playing. I just tried to stop them, what exactly did I do wrong?" I asked, baffled at the fact that I am treated as the "bad guy".

"Relax, the thing you did is called "Moral Policing" and it’s not the term people take it in the right way. You can't meddle in someone's life. What people do, is their business; you cannot poke your nose everywhere." Anuja said. 

I looked at Anuja, I am amazed. I really thought I'd get a pat on my back and here she is, reprimanding me for it. "It's called cleaning the menace" I said.

"Renu, have you seen yourself lately. You are acting like a nagging grandma, who has problem with everything. Do you remember the New Year’s Eve? " Anuja got up from the sofa and walked up to me. 

Okay, that's pretty intimidating. If I was a thief or an anti-social I would have confessed  to my crime right away. But this time I am right. I don't think I did anything wrong even then. Stopping my nephew and my niece to dance on a song called "subah hone na de" "Fevicol se" was not wrong.

"You think even that was wrong. Where exactly was I wrong ? Will you be very happy to see your daughters dancing on those songs? What kind of precedents are we trying to set for our children. I feel pity for children who have parents who think that was okay  to dance on those pathetic songs." I said, and even while I was saying that I knew deep down inside I was gawking at myself too. I remember liking a few suggestive numbers myself, but they were English songs.

"Listening to double-meaning English songs doesn't make it right either" Anuja laughed.

Oh s*it, I actually said that aloud. I looked at her guiltily.

"C’mon Renu, this is the time, when the kids have fun. Every age has different kind of "fun". Let them be, what they want to be and let them decide what’s right or wrong for them. Let’s not force rights or wrongs down their throat." She patted my back and said " Renu be a 31 year old and lets have coffee and talk about that sexy domesticated Dad who often comes to drop his kid to the bus stop."

"Okay that guy is really good looking, even I kind of noticed him" What an understatement, I simply ogled at him. I have a feeling he saw me looking at him.

While drinking my coffee all I could think of was that park, that bench. If I ever saw my son with a girl doing things similar to what I saw today, I will kill him.


  1. Ooops .. I wouldn't say what's right or wrong ... but yes, a certain amount of decency should be maintained at public places :-)

    1. agreed ! following certain restriction in expressing ones feelings toward self,loved ones and/or the world around is differentiates us from animals who do not think .... :)

  2. Ogling other kids dads is that not just as bad. You should have sent the kids over to pull their hair and laugh at them, now that would have got them to stop. Well written. F

  3. Anonymous-Ogling at other kids dads is not that bad...i guess we all need some aakhon ki sikai(eye tonic) lol!!!! but your idea abt kids pulling their hair and laughing at them is also not bad

    1. I agree with julia...cmon looking at good looking guy is not bad...its kinda okay..as long as i m just looking

  4. These guys will react in the same way to their children as you did.Thats the common behaviour of human and as a writer,you sketched out the common character of persons nicely.

    1. this is common-girl-with-common-life talking, my friend..:)

    2. I complemented your way of writing yaar:)

    3. yeah.... i know....i was kinda basking in that compliment..anyways thanks

  5. You are not common you are extraordinary. F


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