A-Z Blogging Challenge Theme Reveal - 2022


This is the first time I am participating in this Challenge, and I am feeling extremely positive about me finishing it. Why? There is a gut feeling that I will, and because I have nothing interesting to do, I have a fractured foot and am not allowed to move around. Well, resulting in no social life (not that I had any, but still).

So let's reveal the theme…

***Drum Rolls***

Hello! My Forties! 

Yes, that's my theme for the A-Z Blogging Challenge,2022. I recently turned 40, successfully covering half of my ideal life span.

To me, Forty is when you get your sh*t together, reclaim your lives, live it to the fullest, and not get bothered about "log kya kahenge." And you can fearlessly speak, dress, act the way you want and not care less. This series will deal with my journey into the forties with topics like…

1. Age doesn't matter unless you are bread!

2. Be your Happy Ending

3. Carpe Diem

4. Dance, Love and Laugh

5. Each woman has her fancy

6. Friends are like Bras

7. Growth and comfort can co-exist

… and many more.

I hope you will enjoy my journey — cheers to the life-changing F-word – FORTY.



  1. Congratulations on joining up. This is my 7th year... and I look forward every year to it. I'm at.
    https://everyonehasafamilystorytotell.wordpress.com/ I'll be blogging on Time Traveling through my blog this year. Just have fun with it!

    1. Thank you for dropping by. Will definitely check your blog.

  2. This sounds fun! I'm in the beginning of my 30s and some days I feel like I have already missed out on everything and I should have had all the experiences BEFORE and on other days I feel like life has just started. I guess it's just how it is :)

    Get better soon!

    Ink, Maps and Macarons

    1. It's never too late and you are never too old to try something new. Thank you for the visit. Hope to see you more often.


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