Playing Second Fiddle


Before you conclude that this blog is about self-pity or rant, it is not. This blog is dedicated to all proud second-fiddlers and letting the world know playing second fiddle is such a fun thing to do.   

If you have watched college films, you would have noticed that there are main characters and then there are characters that play the best friend of the main characters. They are not as extraordinary or good-looking as the hero and the heroine, but they are better than the rest. You'll barely know their name or anything about their personal lives. They are always in the background, giving advice and cheering the main lead at every opportunity. Their role is the easiest; they just have to play the loyal friend, a great listener and a tag-along.  

The second fiddle. I can get plenty of first violinists, but to find someone who can play second fiddle with enthusiasm - that's a problem. And if we have no second fiddle, we have no harmony. ~ Leonard Bernstein 

 Well, that's me. I am the designated second fiddle, be it when I am with my sisters or when I am with friends (before or after marriage). I am always known as XYZ's sister/friend. As I said earlier, this blog is dedicated to all proud second-fiddlers and to letting the world know playing second fiddle is such a fun thing to do.   

Before I start, I love playing the extra because it has a few distinct advantages. First, you can pick your nose anytime because you know no one is watching. Nothing interesting is really happening in your life. In retrospect, it means there are no ups and, most importantly, no DOWNS. There is no compulsion to look good, you can walk around wearing pyjamas, and no one will notice. All you have to do is laugh and be funny all the time. At least compared to the main characters, we have it easy. It is always great to be a spectator in a sticky situation. The main folks are strangely always on the lookout for one. The thing I love most about being an extra is the juicy gossip we get to hear and laugh at. I can go on and on, but I won't. I hate competition in any form. :P

Let me know if you can relate to it... If yes, you too are a PROUD EXTRA.  

I am participating in Blogging from A-Z challenge 2022, and this is my post for P- Playing Second Fiddle. 



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Nice one. I'm the drum in the symphony where almost every player loves to beat some tune.

  3. Me too in same category loved it 👍

  4. I have known very few folks, as positive and funny and witty as you! Imagine talking about picking your nose at any time without anyone watching - to pajamas and more! It's so much fun to hang out with you! And oh, laughing and being funny all the time is a lot of work, mind you!

  5. Madam, you so hrossly undermine and understate your persona. It takes balls of steel which are foundried by a very very intense confidence in self. Highly smart and truly confident person can have the guts to underplay themslves. Anyone who feels you as second rate fiddler needs a reality check of themselves.


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