Melbourne dreams

Here I stand in front of the mirror
In it I see my life go by
I see myself when I was baby
Being alone would make me cry

Now I am old
With a child of my own
The only thing I want 
Is to be left alone

No matter for how long
No matter where
The bosses and tantrums
No more I can bear.

A trip to Melbourne is the only thing that going in my mind since last one month. I want to break free from my mundane routine, which includes brainstorming with my bai, cook, iron wala, paperwala, doodh wala etc. My husband's...”renu u didn't pack my bag", "where r my socks???" " where r my files?" at same time temper tantrums of my child "I hate upma"" I hate plain milk, can't i have a milkshake instead" Most of the time I want to scream, at times I even do that and d rest of the times I keep sulking...I can't afford to lose my bai and cook. U hardly get a good one these days.

If I win this Melbourne trip, it would be so cool. The experience I want to bring back from Melbourne is the sense of freedom...where nobody is riding on your back. U have that handful of days just for you. I want to drink wine (that would be my first taste of alcohol). I want to visit the Murray...go for a long walk by the river, drink wine...just enjoy the scenic beauty and feel calm internally as well as externally

I want to bring back the experience of that long, no-pothole drive across the great ocean road, with ocean waves hitting the cliffs. After that, experience that amazing trek of the Great Ocean Walk from Apollo Bay to the magnificent 12 Apostles along the rugged coast. Wow that would be something I am really looking forward to.

How could I forget the amusement parks, it’s been more than 8 years I have been to one. Roller costars, the entire dare devil rides. I’ll be a kid once again. The feeling of being carefree and with insatiable urge to be wild and kiddish again

I can never miss the theatre, if I am there I will attend a musical be it a small budget or big budget ...I have to attend the musical. I want to bring home the experience of an opera style theatre and the best part I can watch it without being disturbed "mommy potty" "mommy I m hungry" "mommy I m thirsty" I can watch the entire musical in peace. There is so much to shop...I will shop till I drop. I will visit the new Victoria Market. 

Above all it will bring a renewed self-confidence, that in spite of being a housewife, I am good enough to win a prestigious competition like this. I am going to Melbourne on my own merit. Anyways got to go, dinner time...:(


  1. Even my favorite location is Australia and my husband and I drive across the great ocean road for spending a relaxing time with each other.

    1. i m yet to go there....hopefully wld win this competition and wld get a chance to visit this exotic place

  2. wow...reading your blog..u have invoked the desire in me also to visit this great place...maybe alone...and explore n visit the city n all the places u have mentioned...nice n well presented....good work...mebourne city shud hire u to advertise for thier tourism industry..:)

  3. Ah! Melbourne will surely be a lovely escape point from your bosses and the all the the nagging aspects of life! Liked the sing-song sentences of the poem... and the post was short and crisp and to-the-point.
    All the best for the contest!

    Arvind Passey

    1. Hey boss...see i get your attention...:P
      Well I know i m not winning..I read yours and many more....i don't even stand a chance of winning.

    2. one never knows,and hopes are the only bastion given to me, and if writers like you despair, before the result, what will happen to smaller entities like me. Your write up is really superb. rock on.

    3. thanx man......thanx a lot...:D

  4. All the Best. I am sure your dreams will be realized.

  5. HI Best pic on post..u hold on the readers..renu...they cant leave your post unread...
    Good keep it up

  6. Good post renu..

    The nagging bosses and demanding husbands are such a put off. Wish someone understands us and take us for holiday at least if we can't escape such behavior :)

    1. thanks ekta..... i knew womenfolk wld understand my problem. I really hope the judge is a woman

  7. awesome post -all the best for the contest :) :)

  8. interesting post,,, good luck :)


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