i miss u

I stand on the footpath
and i see the world go by
there is a profound guilt
that would often make me cry

If only I could get one chance
to correct my mistake
but, Oh, life is not a film
where I could give a retake

I wish I was there by her side
when she needed me
I wish i could take care of her
that would have set me free

Everybody has to go someday
but now i feel so lost.
Now I have no one to guide me
Oh Maa i miss you the most.


  1. Simply lovely. We all forget our Maa in this busy schedule & hectic lifestyle. Thank God I am spending quality time with her right now. :) In 2 years I would be mairied off & this thinking really makes her cry sometimes. :) Sorry, for sharing this but just out of remorse I was bound to say this. Beautiful poetry! :) Really got me thinking :) Take care friend

    1. You whats the worst thing that weighs heavily on ur mind...is not being around when your parents need u :(

  2. Ohh I can imagine how this might feel. I just pray that we can reach out to our parents when & where they need us! I am realy concerned about about what you said... I hope this never happens never again with a kid:)

  3. wow... i am speechless.... it really touched my heart... !!

  4. i love this poem so much..you are a great poetess likewise story writer...great poem renu.. every stanza of this poem is heart touching.... first poem of my life was about my mother..

  5. U hit the emotional cord, made me reminisce the good old days
    बस तुम्हारी शाल हे , जो कभी कभी ओड लेता हूँ.

  6. Simply loved the poem,Hmm boys are lucky they will be with her even after marriage so no regret ,if we can go to job from home itself and be them whenever needed. You have expressed your emotion so nicely in few words.Nice poem.

  7. :(

    We often ignore our mom, take them for granted...such a bad kids we r or I am :(

  8. We miss people the most when they're gone forever from our lives, and hope that we had taken the chance to not miss them when we had it. Emotional poem, Renu. Well written.

  9. I can understand the pain. We don't realise that we are often away and not there when they need us. Even if they don't require us for their needs, we can just be there as they still love us.

  10. ek muddat se meri maa nahi soi 'Tabish'
    maine ek baar kaha tha mujhe Dar lagta hai

  11. 1. It's a poem on a blog primarily meant for short stories. I find it a refreshing change, it's more sublime than your stories.
    2. The author has a penchant for replying to comments in emoticons.

    keep writing in this vein.

  12. Beautifully etched from the stret side to the pain within.
    A pleasure to read

  13. so touchy !! mamma meri maa :)

  14. made me remember an old saying..

    because god could not be everywhere, he made mother...

    very emotional poem renu this one... i miss my maa already..

  15. Often, people have their importance renewed when they bid adieu. An emotional poem and very well written.


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