There was a time.......

There was a time
When we had gentlemen
Sophisticated and tall
and Mr. Know-it-all

There was a time
when we had Ladies
soft and elegant
never so blatant

There was a time 
when we had love at first sight
eyes shy and lips trembling
happy songs are what the heart's singing

But that time is long gone
In the times of "boys will be boys"
the for-ever boy and girl tucked in the blanket
Love is only limited to  body and pocket. 

(this thing written after finishing Jane Austen's sense and sensibility for the 100th time...couldn't stop myself from comparing then and now)


  1. Nice,but true love can't be limited. No matter how the years change heart will not change .

    1. i guess u r rt....its just d pessimist side of me..:)

  2. A very cynical view indeed! :) Or do I still live in the past?!

    1. no...i m sure true love exist......but i feel the meaning and the expression of true love has changed with time.Now we are more practical.

    2. You mean the romanticism from romance has declined...

    3. i wish to be politically correct here.....i think the idea of Perfect romance has changed.... People have become more practical. In short, LOVE IS NO MORE BLIND

  3. Luv is same , only priorities has changed..

  4. I found it true, even i had this same thing goi non in nmy head after the read.

    1. :)...i know...all of a sudden everything looks over-the-top and superficial

  5. Hi Renu, Well said but my personal views are slightly different.
    Love is and always be the same. It is the purest form of human expression. What has seemingly caused it to change is that we have mixed Love with Attachment, and this causes pain. Any attachment causes pain, and now a days none of us have the patience to bear that pain.

    True and pure love still exists, and that can only give happiness.

    1. Hey manoj, i would chose to differ...i feel with changing times...the definition of true love too has changed.I fel its more practical...and frankly Love is nomore blind

  6. Hey! I can see the reason behind that tinge of cynicism in your poem. Modern love just doesn't seem to have that long lasting and "we shall be together, come what may" kind of a thing.Its really does feel like wham, bam, thank you mam!Sad but true! I would love to find someone who changes my viewpoint!

    Lovely poem.

    My world, my thoughts, my musings...

    1. bang on...upasana....exactly my no longer comes with a life time guarantee card

  7. Well,well,well-a young girl uttering wise words & that too in poetry!I like it!

    1. :D...trying to be wise..hopefully i will be one day..:)

  8. Interesting.. sounds like the voice of experience talking ;) Lovely poetry.

  9. That was the time when women were ladies and men were gentlemen

  10. nice.. :) But I still think men can be gentlemen and women elegant. Lol. How I wish the later dint matter much :P

  11. How much I loved this poem of yours...true very true!

  12. Your perception maybe the pessimistic side is clearly visible in these lines, but would like to differ, I think true love still exist :) For that matter even if it's not under the blankets, It among two hearts! Thanks for sharing :)

  13. I second Vikram Karve that "That was the time when women were ladies and men were gentlemen"...

    And NOW there is MORE(MORE...) LUST than love... i could say...

  14. couldn't agree more.. though true love still exists.. but by and large people prefer to go down the fun lane. they will never understand what true love brings to the table.. its another world altogether..

  15. very rite
    Love is only limited to body and pocket.
    loved this line
    hardcore reality of today


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