Not My Cup Of Tea

I am back! Missed me? I am sure you did.

So, I failed my A-Z Challenge. 

All the while, I have been racking my brains, trying to blame something, anything, on my failure to reach the end. A part of me wanted to blame my job, but I know that's not the case. I did have time to finish 3 Korean Dramas and watch Johnny Depp and Amber Heard proceedings, so that can't be it.  

Then I thought maybe because I am going absolutely bonkers being stuck to bed due to a fractured foot. Part of it is true. I struggle to keep myself upbeat and happy, which would have come naturally to me in normal circumstances. I am usually a happy-go-lucky person. So, I think I should blame my failure on that. But then I also know it's not the first time I abandoned something: fashion designing,  music lessons, professional scriptwriting, etc.

So, why did I just stop????

The only thing I can blame it on is I, Me and Myself. Have you ever had that uncontrollable urge to do something that would just break the course/monotony/ predictability (I can't think of a better word) of what you are currently doing? You just decide to abandon the activity and try to shift your attention to something else. In the process, purposely screwing a good thing that you were already a part of. I guess that's it. That's what went wrong. I just got bored, and I had to stop and look elsewhere, something more engaging. What could be more interesting than Johnny Depp and Amber Heard's court proceedings, right?

I keep fluctuating when it comes to my interests, and it's not my cup of tea to stick to one thing for a very long time. I have this strong need to just move on to something different. 

My sisters, parents, and friends all have the same thing to say- if I start something, I should see it through to the end. This time I plan on doing exactly that. I do feel guilty about leaving this thing mid-way. I know April is over, and I know there are strong chances of me abandoning it again, but I plan to finish it. So, wish me luck. 

I am participating in Blogging from A-Z challenge 2022, and this is my post for N - Not My Cup Of Tea.


  1. All the bestt Mix, Wonderful and honest write up . Better late than never. Keep the spirit up and you will sail through any challenges whatsoever 🤩🤩

  2. That's ok! Make it a cup of coffee and give it your unique zing! I'll be here, with a book and my own cup of coffee!

  3. Finally Max is waiting for some tadakta hadakta post...even this is good and honest indeed but I know u can write better..❤️

  4. Finish it...and now without deadline looming your head i think it's less pressurised. Am sure u have enough reminders to finish it off ;) Johnny depp and Amber ye to Maine shayad scroll karte huye dekha..ab padhungi😅 good day

  5. All the best. Never give up. 😊

  6. All the best we too have a lot of unfinished work remember

  7. I also believe that once started, the job should be seen through to the end. Good luck to you.

  8. I am visiting you because I am reviewing everyone in your WhatsApp support group, since several of them regularly visited my blog during A2Z. Sorry to hear about the foot but well done for being honest about not blaming it! I for one shall be visiting you as you complete the Challenge (or not) we each travel by our very own path...

  9. PS I love your World through my eyes too

    1. Thank you... abandoned it long back, like everything else.

  10. Hi Renu - I have written a Road Trip review of you and your WhatsApp friends at

    1. Thank you Frewin, I loved it. Hope to see you around more.


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