O Ye, Of Little Faith

O Ye, Of Little Faith is an old-school British phrase which is kind of a jibe roughly meaning doubting someone's abilities. I feel a level of camaraderie with this phrase and whoever it was used for in the past. I can actually picture those people and me being the best of friends. We are proud people who have worked hard to make sure people around us had no expectations of us. 

Expectations are an absolutely evil thing to do and the root cause of most unhappiness. Just think about one thing that makes you unhappy: it is probably because the thing is not as per your expectations. Let me give you an example; what makes me saddest is the way I look and my weight issues. I feel so because of the societal expectations of a specific body type; anything else is either too thin or too fat. I asked my husband what disappointed him the most, and he said that his wife (yours truly) is not as organised as most wives, and again I blame expectations. 

When you expect nothing from somebody, you are never disappointed; it is as simple as that. Similarly, if everybody has extremely low expectations of you, you automatically disappoint no one. And the other benefit is that it is easier to make people happy. Even the most minuscule work or the promise of being better in the future is enough to make people around you feel better. So, when I just fold the laundry or watch some cooking video, I can see how elated my husband looks. Simple, isn't it?

So, my advice is to downplay yourself, and if you are as lazy as me, just be yourself because the moment you work hard, people will expect more, and it will eventually screw your and everyone else's happiness. Think about it!!! When you are on ground zero of expectation level, you can't go below this only thing you can do is rise up to the occasion and nail it without doing much or be where you already are, i.e. being happy and content. 

Hope you agree with me!!

I am participating in Blogging from A-Z challenge 2022, and this is my post for O - O ye, Of Little Faith.


  1. Oh, you're so much like Calvin from Calvin and Hobbes! The same cheeky smartass. But amazing sarcasm and humor! No wonder Susie finds him annoying! Check out this and
    this one! So you!

    1. Hahahah... yep. Great minds think alike :P

  2. Lol 😂 I know very wel about this...how ever like u told i unnecessarily do few things and over project myself! Fun post for O!

  3. Superb 👌🏻 ♥️ ♥️ I think while retrospecting on a personal level 🤔 it's a little late, to lower people's expectations from me. So I guess , I shall try not to increase them any further 😇. Wonderfully written Mix .Couldn't agree more 👍👍

  4. The flip side of laziness is that it will find shortcut to the toughest goal. 😅


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