Happy Birthday to us... Indiblogeshwaries.

I read somewhere "Had there been no men, there would be a lot of fat, hairy and happy women". Okay no-offence boys, I am totally into you, But hanging around with women is a different fun all together. I could let my hair-down, relax and enjoy the fun and laughter.

The best thing about all women get-together is that you don't really have to think or try very hard. You could speak politically incorrect things and with a mouth full, there would be no eyebrows raised (I hope).

Indiblogeshwaries as the name suggest is a group of women bloggers with impeccable sense of humor and an amazing writing skills. Strangely, I am a part of it,all thanks to a very dear friend and a fellow blogger Deepa Duraisamy.

We met on 9th June 2013 at Mainland China, Bandra for Lunch. I had been looking forward to it. For me most of the attendees were like celebrities. Be it Vinita Bahl or Janaki Nagaraj or Zeenat Merchant-Syal or Deepa Duraisamy herself. People swore by their blogs. They are like who's who of Indian Blogosphere. But when I met them and the others like Sharmila Kulkarni, Dipika Singh  Vasudha Rao , Mariam Karim , Amreen Bhujwala  and Anamika Jain . I realized that they were so very much like the girls-next-door. They had no airs, no attitude problems and were a very chilled out lot.

The best part was the gift, everybody had to bring a gift of exactly Rs. 25. We all tried to out-do each other when it came to our bargaining skills and innovations. I must say, such challenges make you realize what a great bargainer you are or can be. From flowers to back pins, mugs, pouches, earrings (my favorites), batches, a bag of sprouts(I really thought that was an out-of-the-box idea) and many more. We distributed those gifts amongst ourselves through lottery system and strangely everybody hit d jackpot and I hit the jackpot twice. I got a pair of pins (presented by Anamika) as well as the earrings I so wanted, from Vinita ( but then i really worked hard for it...begging and coercing are very tough things to do)

We played lot of games. One was "know thy neighbour" we had to write three things about ourselves in  a sheet of paper in which one had to be a lie. Well most of the answers were predictable, but the one I got was d most difficult, no one in the world could have got it right. My neighbour was Sharmila, she doesnot like chocolates.... who could have guessed that??? Everybody loves chocolates and Vinita got the easiest...mine . I couldn't think of anything remarkable about my self then.... now at nights i get ideas..I could have written this..I could have written that...but ab kya faida :(.

The second game that we played was write the names of three attendees that you really like. Well no surprises there, Janaki was the most popular amongst us all. I too managed to get three votes, and I am loving it. Vasudha won a prize, A book, for rightly guessing the content of a pouch.

We had extremely yummy chinese and even yummier desserts. Sluurrrrp slurrrp

Then came the cake-cutting time. Three cakes were served and with candles on top of it. We blew the candles and sang the birthday song. Even singing the birthday song seemed real fun. It was even more fun cutting the cake. Zeenat and myself we cut our cake with a spoon, as I couldnot find a knife.

 We were then presented with our parting gift (courtesy Vanilla Salon)., a discount coupon where we could get a hair spa and a facial for just 599/-.

I hate farewells. My enthusiasm started to dip as we got up to leave. But the fun wasn't over as yet. We got together to get a group photo. The smiles that you see in the picture speaks all about how much each and everyone present enjoyed.

All in all it was an amazing meet, and all thanks goes to our super-blogger-ladies Vinita Bahl and Janaki Nagaraj  and I really hope we get to meet-up more often.

Photos courtesy : Vinita Bahl and Janaki Nagaraj


  1. What a heartfelt note........hugs to ya. It was great meeting you too, again. And this time I promise to remember. BTW we have a shopping date to keep up!

  2. aah u make me jealous girl....enjoy...:)

  3. I love this group...these ladies are so yummy and mummies too. It was so much fun and thanks for the compliments Renu. Box of chocolates for you, the next time we meet.

  4. Love the group! We had a wonderful time together. We should plan more meet ups like this.

  5. looks like a fun group.Congratulations

  6. Oh Gosh! How did I miss this? Just read the post after all this time :) It was so much fun meeting you, Renu! I really need to call you more often! Hope you're doing fine dear! And we're meeting on 16th, aren't we? :) Would be great to see you again!


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