Will you marry me?

Agastya held my hand in the middle of the road as I looked around, scared of being hit by a car. 

Agastya kneeled in front of me and proposed "Will you marry me?"

I looked at him..and then the road.. cars zoomed passed us... and i nodded "Yes" hastily. 

He got up, kissed me and said "That's the best birthday gift I could have got."


  1. Gutsy performance !! haha ... interesting ..

  2. Indeed a best birthday gift one could ever get.Reminds me of some movie.

  3. Would he have thrown her under a vehicle if she refused? #justasking

    1. Who knows he might have.... d guy does have a bit of psycho traces in him..;)

  4. sweet one and a bit tricky protagonist... i have loved every work i hav read of urs

  5. Sheer madness... i guess that is the way it is. :)

  6. Nice one, hey you deleted your comment from my blog.........why is that so ? it was a nice one, lol


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