That Tuesday Thingy

Readers must be wondering what is "That Tuesday Thingy"? Well sweet hearts it is one of the initiatives started by "Indiblogeshwari"(I am a proud misfit member of the group). That Tuesday Thingy is an initiative started by the founding mothers of the group to make the women bloggers look within themselves (not in the literal sense). It is a weekly ‘To do’ proclamation. They give us a task and we write on it. It could be anything.The best thing about this initiative is that for the first time we have to write what we truly feel. There is no right or wrong. There is nobody we need to impress. Its just about us and what we feel.

This weeks task is to listen to a song, Time Traveler by Rahul Sharma (so very goggeled eyed by this guy. Can I rather write my story about this guy instead of the song??? ;)..) We have to write if the song "talked to me" and if it did what is it?.

To be honest, this is not the first time I am listening to this song. It's been my favorite for quite sometime. Yes, this song talks to me. It shows me what kind of life style i m leading. Well I saw the picturization now. But even before that, it gave me an impression of being in continuous movement., as if running., at times from something and at times to something. 

When I close my eyes, just to know what I really think of this song, or what this song make me think of. All I see is, I sitting in an auto or car and the world passing by, all in fast forward motion. The traffic, the cars, the kids on every signal. people selling flowers , toys, mobile chargers. An old couple crossing roads. Cars competing to outrun each other even at the speed of 30-40 Kmph. 

To me, this music is not romantic. It has no shades of romance at all. But it has everything to do with the life and the life style we lead. We are always running . We are always working towards our invisible sometime unattainable goals. But we often forget the things that we are losing in the process. More than things it's usually the people that we lose. Just to make our future better we often sacrifice our present .

Its good to slow down a bit. Look around and may be call our parents.... or give them a surprise visit. Take a leave and take our children out maybe to the beach or for a picnic. Call our school /college friends. Go out for a walk (not run). Pamper ourselves. Watch a favorite film. or persue  a hobby. It's only then we would living our life, not just living a life. Cheers  .

“Don't let a mad world tell you that success is anything other than a successful present moment.” - Eckhart Tolle


  1. Eckhart Tolle is right, right here and right now is the best place to be

  2. This is a wonderful perspective. The real one.

  3. Wow Renu. So relatable interpretation. I could feel myself in that auto and see the world pass by. And yes, so true that we should start living in the moment and enjoy every day. :-)

  4. That's so true, Renu. Now is the moment to be. Its here and now.

  5. lovely!! happiness is in the little things...

  6. Well said, Renu.

    All the actions lies here and here only :) Cheers!

  7. You are so right. This is not a romantic melody and yet it touches the heart like no other. The video only adds to that feeling. Good job on the prompt. Good luck!

  8. I agree with everything you say here. Am still nodding my head. :)

  9. The small things are what matter always, in the here and now. :)

  10. Happiness lies in simple pleasures !


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