
Showing posts from May, 2022

O Ye, Of Little Faith

O Ye, Of Little Faith  is  an old-school British phrase which is kind of a jibe roughly meaning doubting someone's abilities. I feel a level of camaraderie with this phrase and whoever it was used for in the past. I can actually picture those people and me being the best of friends. We are proud people who have worked hard to make sure people around us had no expectations of us.  Expectations are an absolutely evil thing to do and the root cause of most unhappiness. Just think about one thing that makes you unhappy: it is probably because the thing is not as per your expectations. Let me give you an example; what makes me saddest is the way I look and my weight issues. I feel so because of the societal expectations of a specific body type; anything else is either too thin or too fat. I asked my husband what disappointed him the most, and he said that his wife (yours truly) is not as organised as most wives, and again I blame expectations.  When you expect nothing fro...

Not My Cup Of Tea

I am back! Missed me? I am sure you did. So, I failed my A-Z Challenge.  All the while, I have been racking my brains, trying to blame something, anything, on my failure to reach the end. A part of me wanted to blame my job, but I know that's not the case. I did have time to finish 3 Korean Dramas and watch Johnny Depp and Amber Heard proceedings, so that can't be it.   Then I thought maybe because I am going absolutely bonkers being stuck to bed due to a fractured foot. Part of it is true. I struggle to keep myself upbeat and happy, which would have come naturally to me in normal circumstances. I am usually a happy-go-lucky person. So, I think I should blame my failure on that. But then I also know it's not the first time I abandoned something: fashion designing,  music lessons, professional scriptwriting, etc. So, why did I just stop???? The only thing I can blame it on is I, Me and Myself. Have you ever had that uncontrollable urge to do something that would just ...