My Money Needs Saving

How important is money for you??? I never had much regard for money all my life. From pocket money to pocket money, and now, paycheck to paycheck, my life has passed by. Now that I am a mum, and going by the tradition, I am supposed to teach my child the importance of money. For the first and only time in my life, I feel like an inadequate parent. My mom, unlike me, was excellent with money. She would meticulously divide her money into expenses, investments, and savings. Every year, I tried, I swear I did, to walk in her footsteps, and every year, I failed miserably. When I was young, 1st of every month, we (my sisters and I) would get Rs. 500 as pocket money. My friends and I weren't party-animal kinds of people, but we did share a love for books and music, and that's where our money went into. In my defence, I walked a lot and read second-hand books to save whatever measly sum was left. CDs were expensive, though. By the middle of the month, I would be heading to m...